Sunday, 13 December 2009

Food alert - Les Saveurs du Terroir

The guys and girls of Muscat InterContinental are doing a good job in organising interesting theme evenings. Their newest invention is called Saveurs du Terroir. It is aimed at the French (speaking) community, and highlights the regional French cuisine.

There is a Saveurs du Terroir evening every month. The first one was last month, and the second is planned for this coming Tuesday, 15th of December. This month's theme is l'Alsace et sa Choucroute, a three course meal (where sauerkraut is the main attraction of course) costst 25 OMR per person, including a bottle of wine per pair of people.

As far as we're concerned, this is not only interesting for the French, but for everyone who loves the French cuisine.


  1. I knew I shouldn't have read your blog while stuck in the interior subsisting on dhal and rice and chicken chicken chicken. Dammit all I'll miss the French night as well...but maybe see you at the next one if I'm lucky. Just don't be surprised if peck at my food and make clucking noises...

  2. Sorry for that. When will you be back?

  3. I just spoke to InterCon. This is a hush-hush, unadvertised action, taken on by a Marc Lambert. Apparently it's a french communal setting, which means people get to share the table and their dining experience with other folks.

  4. An update on this. The 'saveurs du terroir' evenings are still organised every month, the sixth edition coming up soon. The evenings are a large success, with close to 100 people attending each time.

    It is truly something for the lovers of France and French regional cuisine. Everything is in French and there is no choice of menu, so you'd better not be picky about food if you plan to go.

    Contact the InterCon if you wish to be added to the mailing list.
